

Hi! I'm Emily

I am in love and obsessed will all that is pure- healthy whole foods, natural remedies, family, homesteading, diy-ing,  and natural living are my passions. #knowbetterdobetter is my motto. I love growing and learning and hope to never stop changing for the better. I wasn’t always this way though! Pre- 2010 I was a junk food addict who didn’t know a thing about natural remedies or the amazing blessings that come from eating God’s food. I used chemical laden products, was on antibiotics almost monthly, and used over-the-counters like they were going out of style. It was bad. I was sick and I was tired. After a four month fight with chronic sinusitis and 3 courses of antibiotics with no improvement my eyes were finally opened.

A woman from my church grabbed me by my shoulders and said, “Emily, what you are doing is not working. You have to do something different.” It was as if in that single moment the door to the natural world was opened to me and I walked through, shut it behind me, and never looked back. I began learning about herbs and was able to get better when the antibiotics didn’t help. I learned about nutrition and clean eating. I learned about toxic vs. clean products. Over the years I have added so many new remedies such as herbals, mushroom complexes, and essential oils to my arsenal.

The truly amazing thing is that after being on antibiotics 5+ times every year of my life for as long as I remember, in the past 7 years I have yet to be on one. Not ONE. Now I’m in no way saying there is never a need for a prescription drug, but what I am telling you is that what we can get from nature is amazing. I want to shout it from the roof tops and I hope you will join me on my journey to discover wellness, purpose, and abundance.